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The Book of Roses - Introduction of Rozabellla
12 October 2020, 10:44
Founder- Bria Hitt
11 December 2020, 21:32
Founder- Morocco Hitt
11 December 2020, 21:35
Founder- Alexandria Hitt
11 December 2020, 21:38
Founder- Zoe Hitt
11 December 2020, 21:39

Every Rozabellla Tells a Story!

Roaddolll Nation

Mykayla Carter
30 November 2020, 20:40
Yara Shahidi
30 November 2020, 20:43
Marsai Martin
30 November 2020, 20:45
Kiara Freeman
30 November 2020, 20:47
Olakemi Isese Ifá Aborisa
30 November 2020, 20:50

Events Calendar

july, 2024


  • Circular Living: How to Make Sustainable Furniture Choices for Your Dining Room

    It’s no secret that shifting to a green and sustainable lifestyle is more urgent than ever, especially with the impacts of climate change increasing exponentially every year. According to a PwC survey, 58% of people aged 27 to 32 are becoming more eco-friendly, so it’s clear that the trend towards green living is growing in... The post Circular Living: How to Make Sustainable Furniture Choices for Your Dining Room appeared first on GirlTalkHQ.

  • Facetune, Ozempic, And Influencers – New Book Examines Young Adults’ Body Image In The Age Of Instagram

    It can sometimes be hard to decipher between what is real and what has been digitally altered on social media. Knowing how these platforms are becoming increasingly concerning for young women especially, it is no wonder there is more awareness around the impact of social media on mental health, and how damaging it can be.... The post Facetune, Ozempic, And Influencers – New Book Examines Young Adults’ Body Image In The Age Of Instagram appeared first on GirlTalkHQ.

  • Award-Winning Queer Filmmaker And Actress Rachel Leyco On A Mission To Inspire Audiences Through The Magic Of Storytelling

    Changing the world begins with changing hearts and minds – one person at a time. There are many ways to do this, and one of the most powerful is through filmmaking and storytelling. The entertainment industry is not just about creating entertainment for the masses, it is also a medium that allows artists, activists, teachers,... The post Award-Winning Queer Filmmaker And Actress Rachel Leyco On A Mission To Inspire Audiences Through The Magic Of Storytelling appeared first on GirlTalkHQ.

  • Can Influencer Content Make Major Hollywood Movie Campaigns Successful? In The Hands Of QYOU EVP Lexi St. John It Can!

    The entertainment industry has changed exponentially over the past decade, due to streaming platforms disrupting the established studio and network system, as well as social media, AI and other technological advancements. There is also a good chance that you will learn about a new movie, TV series, game, or other form of entertainment through content... The post Can Influencer Content Make Major Hollywood Movie Campaigns Successful? In The Hands Of QYOU EVP Lexi St. John It Can! appeared first on GirlTalkHQ.

  • What’s In Your Sex? – Asexuality, Sexuality, And The Spectrum That (Does Not) Simplify Them

    By Marina Delvecchio, PhD When I first submitted my memoir Unsexed: Memoirs of a Prostitute’s Daughter to my publishing company’s project manager, she came back to me with a long email explaining that she had issues with me labeling my book as asexual. She confessed that she was asexual and, as this was a personal matter for... The post What’s In Your Sex? – Asexuality, Sexuality, And The Spectrum That (Does Not) Simplify Them appeared first on GirlTalkHQ.

  • Can Dating Apps Actually Be Good for Your Mental Health?

    By Alexandra Beaumont As the leader of Once dating app, I’ve dedicated my career to revolutionizing the dating landscape and empowering people to find meaningful connections. But beyond my role in the tech industry, I’m also just a woman who understands the complexities and challenges of modern dating firsthand.  Back when I was growing up,... The post Can Dating Apps Actually Be Good for Your Mental Health? appeared first on GirlTalkHQ.

  • From Big Screen to Businesswoman: 3 Inspiring Actresses Turned Successful Entrepreneurs

    There are currently 12.3 million women-owned businesses operating today, highlighting a major surge from the 402,000 back in 1972. With more and more women eager to start their own business and become their own boss along the way, the feat remains an intimidating one for many. When looking to draw inspiration from those who have ventured... The post From Big Screen to Businesswoman: 3 Inspiring Actresses Turned Successful Entrepreneurs appeared first on GirlTalkHQ.

  • Cinematographer Jackie Fang On Navigating A Male-Dominated Field, From China To Los Angeles

    Premiering at the prestigious LA Shorts International Film Festival, one of the largest international short film festivals taking place annually in Los Angeles and an Oscar-qualifying event, is a film called ‘Ministry of Loneliness’ directed by Randi Ali. ‘Ministry of Loneliness’ explores the lives of bureaucrats at a fictional ministry dedicated to addressing citizen isolation.... The post Cinematographer Jackie Fang On Navigating A Male-Dominated Field, From China To Los Angeles appeared first on GirlTalkHQ.

  • How To Avoid Burnout At Work

    Work can be demanding, and burnout has become an increasingly prevalent issue. It is defined as a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress, burnout can severely impact productivity, well-being, and overall quality of life. However, individuals can effectively mitigate and prevent burnout with proactive strategies and mindful practices.... The post How To Avoid Burnout At Work appeared first on GirlTalkHQ.

  • Innovative Minds: Women Pioneers in the Casino Gaming Industry

    Historically dominated by men, the casino gaming industry has seen significant contributions from innovative women pioneers who have shaped its evolution and success. These trailblazing women have made their mark through leadership, creativity, and a commitment to inclusivity, paving the way for future generations. Here’s a look at some of the most influential women in... The post Innovative Minds: Women Pioneers in the Casino Gaming Industry appeared first on GirlTalkHQ.

  • The importance Of Taking Time Off As A Business Owner

    As professionals navigate the fast-paced business world, taking time off can often feel like an indulgence that professional women simply cannot afford. Under pressure to excel, meet deadlines and innovate constantly can make taking breaks seem unthinkable. Yet taking time off is critical to long-term success and wellbeing. This blog post will explore why taking... The post The importance Of Taking Time Off As A Business Owner appeared first on GirlTalkHQ.

  • Positive Psychologist Jodi Wellman Shares Science-Backed Ways To Make The Most Out Of Your Life To Die Happy. 

    What would it look like to live a life without regrets? To arrive at your last breath and be 100% satisfied with what you did throughout your time on earth? Would it mean checking off every item on your bucket list? Achieving monumental success? Generating wealth? Or would it simply mean that you made the... The post Positive Psychologist Jodi Wellman Shares Science-Backed Ways To Make The Most Out Of Your Life To Die Happy.  appeared first on GirlTalkHQ.